- Diagnostic tests
- BUN, creatinine, potassium increase.
- pH
- Hgb and Hct
- Urine studies
- US of kidneys
- High phosphorus and low calcium.
With a decline in the GFR, the patient cannot excrete potassium normally. Patients with
oliguria and anuria are at high risk for hyperkalemia. Protein catabolism results in the
release of cellular potassium into the body fluids, causing severe hyperkalemia (high
serum potassium levels).
Prevention of ARF
- Provide adequate hydration
- Prevent and treat shock promptly
- Hourly urine output for critical patients
- Continuosally assess renal function
- Prevent and treat infections promptly
- Monitor for effects of toxic drugs
Medical treatment of ARF
- Objectives of treatment are to restore normal chemical balance and prevent
complications until repair of renal tissue and restoration of renal function can occur. - Management includes
- maintaining fluid balance,
- avoiding fluid excesses, or
- possibly performing dialysis.
- Medical treatment
- Treat the cause
- Fluid and replacement or restrictions
- Monitor for fluid overload