- Knowledge deficit
- Plan-
- Promote recovery of optimal kidney function.
- Maintain normal fluid and electrolyte balance.
- Decrease anxiety.
- Increase knowledge.
Nursing interventions
- Monitoring Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
- Reducing Metabolic Rate
- Promoting Pulmonary Function
- Preventing Infection
- Providing Skin Care
Chronic Renal Failure
- Chronic renal failure, or ESRD, is a progressive, irreversible deterioration in renal
function in which the body's ability to maintain metabolic and fluid and electrolyte
balance fails, resulting in uremia or azotemia.
- Results from gradual, progressive loss of renal function
- Occasionally results from rapid progression of acute renal failure
- Conditions that cause ESRD include systemic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus
(leading cause); hypertension; chronic glomerulonephritis; pyelonephritis; obstruction
of the urinary tract; hereditary lesions, as in polycystic kidney disease; vascular
disorders; infections; medications; or toxic agents.
- Symptoms occur when 75% of function is lost but considered chronic if 90-95% loss
of function
- Dialysis is necessary D/T accumulation of uremic toxins, which produce changes in
major organs
Chronic renal failure/ S&S Cardiovascular: the most common cause of death
- Hypertension
- Pitting edema (feet, hands, sacrum)