- May stay in kidney or travel into the ureter
- Can damage the urinary tract
- May cause hydronephrosis
- More common in white males 30-50 years of age
- Predisposing factors
- Dehydration
- Prolonged immobilization
- Infection
- Obstruction
- Anything which causes the urine to be alkaline
- Metabolic factors
- Excessive intake of calcium, calcium based antacids or Vit D
- Hyperthyroidism
- Elevated uric acid
Dehydration and immobilization causes urinary concentration and pooling of calculus
forming substances
Urine should be acidic
Alkaline urine- bacteria (proteus, klebsiella, and pseudmonas
- Subjective symptoms
- Sever pain in the flank area, suprapubic area, pelvis or external genitalia
- May radiate anteriorly and downward toward the bladder in females and toward the
testis in males.
- If in ureter, may have spasms called ―renal colic‖
- Urgency, frequency of urination
- N/V
- Chills
- Objective symptoms
- Increased temperature