- Treatment
- Most (> 1 cm) are passed without intervention
- May need cystospy-- with basket retrieval
Lithotripsy : Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is the non-invasive
treatment of urinary calculosis and biliary calculi to fragment the stone
Lithotripsy – patient placed in bath of water and stone located by ultrasound and a
series of shock waves disintegrates the stone
usually given anesthesia due to pain from shock waves
stone is passed through the urine (may take 1-4 weeks)
may need stents inserted prior to procedure to allow for passage of stones
urine will be bright red then back to normal
usually antibiotics will be given for prevention
- Lasertripsy: stone and is destroyed by the laser
- Lithotomy: surgical removal of stone
- Pylelolithotomy – removal from renal pelvis
- Urolithotomy – removal from the ureter
- Nephrolithotomy – removal from kidney
Nutritional Therapy
- Calcium Stones
-? Restrict Ca, protein, and Na. liberal amount of water. - Uric Acid Stones