Medical Surgical Nursing

(Tina Sui) #1
 Pulley tugging. Toss a light rope over a shower curtain rod or doorway curtain
rod. Stand as nearly under the rope as possible. Grasp an end in each hand.
Extend the arms straight and away from the body. Pull the left arm up by
tugging down with the right arm, then the right arm up and the left down in a
see-sawing motion.

If the patient is having any discomfort, taking an analgesic 30 minutes before beginning
the exercises can be helpful. Taking a warm shower before exercising can also loosen
stiff muscles and provide comfort. When exercising, the patient is encouraged to use
the muscles in both arms and to maintain proper posture. Specific exercises may need
to be prescribed and introduced gradually if the patient has had skin grafts; has a tense,
tight surgical incision; or has had immediate reconstruction. Self-care activities, such as
brushing the teeth, washing the face, and brushing the hair, are physically and

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