- Promotion of restorative sleep
- Increased mobility
- Maintenance of self-care
- Improved body image
- Effective coping
- Absence of complications
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- More common in women than men
- An autoimmune disease. The immunoregulatory disturbance is brought about by some
combination of genetic factors, hormonal factors (as evidenced by the usual onset
during the childbearing years), environmental factors (eg, sunlight, thermal burns), and
some medications (hydralazine (Apresoline), isoniazid (INH), chlorpromazine, and
some antiseizure medications).
Clinical Manifestations
- The onset of SLE may be insidious or acute. For this reason, SLE may remain
undiagnosed for many years.
- It can affect any body system (musculoskeletal system, with arthralgias and arthritis
(synovitis), skin (butter fly rash), Oral ulcers, Pericarditis, renal involvement (increased
creatinine) which leads to hypertension, CNS (subtle changes in behavior patterns or