- Caused by a staphylococcal infection.
- Appear in areas where the skin is thick and inelastic; the back of the neck and the
buttocks are common sites.
- Purulent secretions, high fever, pain, leukocytosis, and even extension of the infection
to the bloodstream.
Herpes Zoster
- Caused by the varicella-zoster virus
- Usually, patients have a history of chickenpox. The virus becomes dormant and lies
inside nerve cells near the brain and spinal cord
- The viruses become latent, until immunity decrease, then it will become active. They
travel by way of the peripheral nerves to the skin.
- S & S: painful vesicular eruption (usually on face, neck & thorax). Vesicles contain
serum, then become purulent. - Treatment:
- Antiviral agents such as acyclovir (Zovirax)
- Pain is controlled with analgesics
-? Corticosteroids
Herpes Simplex
- Orolabial Herpes (fever blisters or cold sores)
- clusters of grouped vesicles on the lips.
- The onset is often accompanied by high fever, regional lymphadenopathy, and
generalized malaise.
- Genital Herpes
- Minor infections may produce no symptoms
- Severe infections can cause systemic flulike illness. Lesions appear as grouped
vesicles on the vagina, rectum, or penis.