Tenia Cruris (Groin)
- Begins with small, red scaling patches, which spread to form circular elevated
plaques, very pruritic
- Clusters of pustules may be seen around borders.
- Local application of Tolnaftate liquid
- Wet compresses or sitz baths may be soothing
Tenia Pedis (athlete's foot)
- Between toes and soles of the feet
- Maceration and fissuring between toes
- May have pinhead vesicles
- Oral Griseofulvin
- Antifungal powder
- Eliminate heat and perspiration by clean light socks, well ventilated shoes, avoidance
of occlusive shoes
- Soak feet in vinegar and water solution.
Nondermatophyte Infections Candidiasis
- Yeast fungal infection
- Glistening, fiery red or moist pink, beefy red with satellite pustules, severe
itching/burning - Sites: skin folds/groin area, oral-thrush, diaper rash
- Teach prevention and management
- Disposable diapers or cloth diapers without rubber pants, Change as soon as soiled
- Exposure to open air, apply ointments (zinc oxide), avoid over washing, caution with
perfumed soaps