Medical Surgical Nursing

(Tina Sui) #1

a. Maintain safe

b. Encourage gentle
blowing of nose.

c. Provide soft
toothbrush and avoid
use of toothpicks.

d. Encourage intake of
foods with high
content of vitamin C.

e. Apply cold
compresses where

f. Record location of
bleeding sites.

g. Use small-gauge
needles for

19. Administer medications
carefully; monitor for side

for clotting.

16. Reassures anxious patient and
permits monitoring and
detection of further needs of
the patient

17. Minimizes risk of further
bleeding by promoting
vasoconstriction of esophageal
and gastric blood vessels

18. Promotes safety of patient

a. Minimizes risk of trauma and
bleeding by avoiding falls and
cuts, etc.

b. Reduces risk of nosebleed
(epistaxis) secondary to trauma
and decreased clotting

c. Prevents trauma to oral
mucosa while promoting good
oral hygiene

d. Promotes healing

e. Minimizes bleeding into
tissues by promoting local

f. Permits detection of new
bleeding sites and monitoring
of previous sites of bleeding

g. Minimizes oozing and blood
loss from repeated injections

19. Reduces risk of side effects
secondary to damaged liver's
inability to detoxify
(metabolize) medications

Nursing Diagnosis: Disturbed body image related to changes in appearance, sexual dysfunction, and role


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