Medical Surgical Nursing

(Tina Sui) #1

Goal:Patient verbalizes feelings consistent with improvement of body image and self-esteem

1. Assess changes in
appearance and the meaning
these changes have for
patient and family.

2. Encourage patient to
verbalize reactions and
feelings about these changes.

3. Assess patient's and family's
previous coping strategies.

4. Assist and encourage patient
to maximize appearance and
explore alternatives to
previous sexual and role

5. Assist patient in identifying
short-term goals.

6. Encourage and assist patient
in decision making about

7. Identify with patient
resources to provide
additional support
(counselor, spiritual advisor).

8. Assist patient in identifying
previous practices that may
have been harmful to self
(alcohol and drug abuse).

1. Provides information for
assessing impact of changes in
appearance, sexual function,
and role on the patient and

2. Enables patient to identify and
express concerns; encourages
patient and significant others to
share these concerns

3. Permits encouragement of those
coping strategies that are
familiar to patient and have
been effective in the past

4. Encourages patient to continue
safe roles and functions while
encouraging exploration of

5. Accomplishing these goals
serves as positive reinforcement
and increases self-esteem.

6. Promotes patient's control of
life and improves sense of well-
being and self-esteem

7. Assists patient in identifying
resources and accepting
assistance from others when

8. Recognition and
acknowledgment of the harmful
effects of these practices are
necessary for identifying a
healthier lifestyle.

 Verbalizes concerns
related to changes in
appearance, life, and

 Shares concerns with
significant others

 Identifies past coping
strategies that have been

 Uses past effective coping
strategies to deal with
changes in appearance,
life, and lifestyle

 Maintains good grooming
and hygiene

 Identifies short-term goals
and strategies to achieve

 Takes an active role in
decision making about self
and care

 Identifies resources that
are not harmful

 Verbalizes that some of
previous lifestyle practices
have been harmful

 Uses healthy expressions
of frustration, anger,

Nursing Diagnosis: Chronic pain and discomfort related to enlarged tender liver and ascites

Goal: Increased level of comfort

Nursing Interventions Rationale Expected Outcomes

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