Medical Surgical Nursing

(Tina Sui) #1
by providing rest periods and
assisting with activities.

3. Change position every 2 h.

4. Assist with paracentesis or

a. Explain procedure
and its purpose to

b. Have patient void
before paracentesis.

c. Support and maintain
position during

d. Record both the
amount and the
character of fluid

e. Observe for evidence
of coughing,
increasing dyspnea,
or pulse rate.


2. Reduces metabolic and
oxygen requirements

3. Promotes expansion and
oxygenation of all areas of
the lungs

4. Paracentesis and
thoracentesis (performed to
remove fluid from the
abdominal and thoracic
cavities, respectively) may
be frightening to the patient.

a. Helps obtain patient's
cooperation with

b. Prevents inadvertent
bladder injury

c. Prevents inadvertent
organ or tissue injury

d. Provides record of
fluid removed and
indication of severity
of limitation of lung
expansion by fluid

e. Indicates irritation of
the pleural space and
evidence of
pneumothorax or

shortness of breath

 Reports increased strength
and sense of well-being

 Exhibits normal
respiratory rate (12–
18/min) with no
adventitious sounds

 Exhibits full thoracic
excursion without shallow

 Exhibits normal arterial
blood gases

 Exhibits adequate oxygen
saturation by pulse

 Experiences absence of
confusion or cyanosis

Collaborative Problem: Gastrointestinal bleeding and hemorrhage

Goal: Absence of episodes of gastrointestinal bleeding and hemorrhage

1. Assess patient for evidence
of gastrointestinal bleeding
or hemorrhage. If bleeding
does occur:

a. Monitor vital signs

1. Allows early detection of
signs and symptoms of
bleeding and hemorrhage

2. Minimizes increases in intra-
abdominal pressure that

10. Assess patient for
evidence of
gastrointestinal bleeding
or hemorrhage. If bleeding
does occur:
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