Medical Surgical Nursing

(Tina Sui) #1

Risk Factors for Cholelithiasis

 Obesity, Women, especially those who have had multiple pregnancies

 Frequent changes in weight

 Rapid weight loss (leads to rapid development of gallstones and high risk of
symptomatic disease)

 Treatment with high-dose estrogen (ie, in prostate cancer)

 Low-dose estrogen therapy—a small increase in the risk of gallstones

 Ilealresection or disease

 Cystic fibrosis

 Diabetes mellitus


 There are two major types of gallstones:

1. Composed of pigment.

o Probably form when unconjugatedpigments in the bile precipitate to
form stones.

o The risk is increased in patients with cirrhosis, hemolysis, and
infections of the biliarytract.
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