Medical Surgical Nursing

(Tina Sui) #1
D. Obstruction of bile flow: also interferes with absorption of the fat-soluble
vitamins. The patient may exhibit deficiencies (eg, bleeding caused by vitamin
K deficiency) of these vitamins if biliaryobstruction has been prolonged.

Assessment and Diagnostic Findings

 Abdominal X-ray

o Ultrasonography

o Cholecystography

o Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography(ERCP)

o Percutaneoustranshepaticcholangiography

o Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography(ERCP). A
fiberopticduodenoscope, with side-viewing apparatus, is inserted into
the duodenum. The ampullaof Vateris catheterized and the biliarytree
injected with contrast agent. The pancreatic ductalsystem is also
assessed, if indicated.

This procedure is of special value in visualizing neoplasmsof the
ampullaarea and extracting a biopsy specimen.
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