Medical Surgical Nursing

(Tina Sui) #1
 Increased prevalence of gallstones.

 Decreased gallbladder contraction after a meal.

 More severe complications of biliary tract disease.


 If liver function test results are abnormal, the patient may need to be evaluated
for liver disease. So look if the client :

  • Was exposed to hepatotoxic substances or infectious agents.

  • Patient‘s occupational, recreational, and travel nhistory may assist in
    identifying exposure to hepatotoxins

  • Patient‘s history of alcohol and drug use

  • Lifestyle behaviors (Injectable drug use, sexual practices )

  • Current and past medical conditions, previous blood transfusion.


 Assess the patient for pallor, jaundice (skin, mucosa, and sclerae), and the
extremities are assessed for muscle atrophy, edema, and skin excoriation
secondary to scratching.

 Observe the skin for petechiae or ecchymotic areas (bruises), spider angiomas,
and palmar erythema.

 Assess male patient for unilateral or bilateral gynecomastia and testicular
atrophy due to endocrine changes.

 Asses patient‘s cognitive status (recall, memory, abstract thinking) and
neurologic status are assessed.

 Palpate abdomen to assess liver size and to detect any tenderness over the liver.
A palpable liver presents as a firm, sharp edge with a smooth surface

 Tenderness of the liver implies recent acute enlargement with consequent
stretching of the liver capsule.

 Enlargement of the liver is an abnormal finding requiring evaluation.
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