SEM III: Findability Search Marketing 2011 Seminar

(Nora) #1

  1. Use the keyword or keyword phrase (3-5) words, you are targeting at the
    Beginning of your Title or it is your Title.

  2. Use the Keyword phrase you are targeting once in each paragraph or
    approximately every 100 words.

  3. Use the keyword phrase Once in the beginning of your description and
    again if it can look natural.

  4. Use the keyword phrase in your tags along with 2-4 related keyword

  5. Keywords need to be 3-5 or more word phrases related to topic product or
    company you are focusing on to promote.

  6. Keywords need to be researched with tools like Word tracker, Google
    AdWords tool, Firefox Rank Checker, or other tools with equal options and

  7. Tag your blogs with videos that are also keyword titled to same keyword
    phrases you use in your blog post.

Blogging: 7 SEO Blogging Rules

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