SEM III: Findability Search Marketing 2011 Seminar

(Nora) #1

  1. Keep your content focused on the target keyword phrase.

  2. Make sure your content code shows up above line 100.

  3. Never nest tables in tables – if possible use DIV tags.

  4. In the head section place SEO tags in this order.
    A) Page Title
    B) Description Tag
    C) Keyword Tag

  5. Avoid fly out menus or drop down menus avoid java menus.

  6. Avoid Using Flash Animation- Avoid unnecessary page widgets.

  7. Incorporate target keywords into folders and file names.

  8. Balance your text content with your images.

  9. Make every page’s code and content relevant to specific keyword
    10.Eliminate unnecessary codes by using CSS Cascading Style Sheets

Top Ten Technical Tips

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