MLARTC_FM.part 1.qxp

(Chris Devlin) #1

as a result of similar circumstances. There are equally strong arguments,
however, that martial arts, like many other cultural traditions, survived the
Middle Passage (the transport of Africans to slavery in the Americas) to be
adapted to the changed cultural context of the Americas. Under less con-
strained circumstances, the process continues, as contemporary Senegalese
immigrants compete in their traditional wrestling art of laamb in parks in
Washington, D.C., on the Muslim holiday of Tabaski.
Thomas A. Green
Gene Tausk

See alsoCapoeira; Middle East; Performing Arts
Almeida, Bira. 1986. Capoeira: A Brazilian Art Form.Berkeley: North At-
lantic Books.
Balent, Matthew. 1993. The Compendium of Weapons, Armour, and
Castles.Taylor, MI: Palladium Books.
Bibb, Henry. 1969 [1850]. Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Henry
Bibb, an American Slave, Written by Himself.Introduction by Lucius C.
Matlack. Miami, FL: Mnemosyne Publishing.
Boahen, A. Adu. 1962. “The Caravan Trade in the Nineteenth Century.”
Journal of African History3: 2.
Bryant, A. T. 1949. The Zulu People: As They Were before the White Man
Came.Pietermaritzburg, South Africa: Shuter and Shooter.
Capoeira, Nestor. 1995. The Little Capoeira Book.Berkeley: North Atlantic
Davidson, Basil. 1969. Africa in History: Themes and Outlines.New York:
Fage, J. D. 1978. A History of Africa.London: Hutchinson.
Godia, George. 1989. “Sport in Kenya.” In Sport in Asia and Africa:
A Comparative Handbook.Edited by Eric A. Wagner. New York:
Gwaltney, John. 1981. Drylongso: A Self-Portrait of Black Americans.New
York: Random House.
Hill, Erroll. 1972. Trinidad Carnival: Mandate for a National Carnival.
Austin: University of Texas Press.
Katz, William Loren. 1986. Black Indians: A Hidden Heritage.New York:
Lewis, J. Lowell. 1992.Ring of Liberation: Deceptive Discourse in Brazilian
Capoeira.Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Michelon, Josy. 1987. Le Ladjia: Origin et Pratiques(Ladjia: Origin and
Practice). Paris: Editions Caribéennes.
Mutti, Maria. 1978. Maculéle.Salvador, Brazil: Prefectura da Cidade do
Ojeme, E. O. 1989. “Sport in Nigeria.” In Sport in Asia and Africa: A Com-
parative Handbook.Edited by Eric A. Wagner. New York: Greenwood.
Oliver, Roland Anthony, and Brian M. Fagan. 1975. Africa in the Iron Age,
c. 500 B.C. to A.D. 1400.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ortiz, Fernando. 1985 [1951]. Los Bailes y el Teátro de los Negros en el
Folklore de Cuba(Dances and Theatre of the Blacks in Cuban Folklore).
Havana: Editorial Letras Cubanas.

Africa and African America 11
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