MLARTC_FM.part 1.qxp

(Chris Devlin) #1

Women in the Martial Arts: Britain
and North America, 684
Women in the Martial Arts:
China, 689
Women in the Martial Arts:
Japan, 692
Wrestling and Grappling: China, 705
Wrestling and Grappling:
Europe, 710
Wrestling and Grappling: India, 719

Wrestling and Grappling: Japan, 727
Wrestling, Professional, 735
Written Texts: China, 745
Written Texts: India, 749
Written Texts: Japan, 758

Xingyiquan (Hsing I
Ch’uan), 775

Yongchun/Wing Chun, 781

Contents vii

Chronological History of the Martial Arts, 787
Index, 839
About the Author, 895
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