Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures • 97

US, his forward-thinking gained him very powerful enemies in the scientific
community, the pharmaceutical industry, and the government.

Though he was held and questioned for 24 hours, Dr. Beljanski wasn’t
told what the charges were. And his wife, placed under house arrest, was
denied access to legal counsel.

Still, the harassment didn’t stop there. The French government ordered
that all the life-saving products he’d created be destroyed—going as far as to
confiscate them from patients’ homes, essentially turning seriously ill citizens
into criminals simply because they wanted to continue taking the only treat-
ment that was helping!

For the next two years, Beljanski was persecuted. His passport was taken
away, so he was forced to remain in France. He was forbidden to publish, even
to write or speak about his work. And in a horribly ironic twist of fate, he was
denied the use of his own life-saving products when he was stricken with cancer.

Knowing the end was near, he sent his life’s work to his daughter Sylvie in
America so people in need would have access to his miracle cures.

Two years later, on October 28, 1998, Mirko Beljanksi died. He never
knew that he would later be fully exonerated by the European Court of Human
Rights. Or that French citizens would literally take to the streets to protest—
they wanted their Beljanksi products back enough to risk arrest.

And thanks to his foresight and the dedication of Sylvie Beljanski, now you
have access to a true medical breakthrough, one that can help you defeat cancer
without suffering from devastating side effects of radiation and chemotherapy.

Erasing the destructive effects of chemotherapy

without reducing its anti-cancer power

Now, here at HSI, we often speak out against standard chemotherapy and
radiation treatment because they are so very destructive. But regardless, we
respect everyone’s right to choose the treatment that is right for them. And
every year, millions of people endure these therapies—so if you or someone
you love is among them, we want to help you get through these treatments as
safely as possible.

Unfortunately, bone marrow and blood cell damage come along with
many aggressive chemotherapies, the treatments used to fight the most aggres-
sive and advanced cancers. And due to those life-threatening side effects, the
treatment often has to be stopped before completion.

That’s devastating for cancer patients undergoing conventional treatment.
A partly completed cycle doesn’t pack the full cancer-killing impact, so it

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