Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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98 • HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures

was endured for nothing. And now the patient will likely need to go through
another cycle, just praying that they make it all the way through this time.

Dr. Beljanski, decades ahead of his time, found the solution, a way to
make sure blood cells were reproduced as quickly as they were destroyed, so
that treatment could be completed successfully, with much less risk for the
patient. And it worked!

No need to suspend cancer treatment

with this breakthrough

Chemotherapy and radiation can wreak havoc on your bone marrow,
which works as your body’s blood cell manufacturing plant. That leads to dan-
gerously low levels of white blood cells and platelets. And when that happens,
treatment has to be stopped immediately. That can mean a major setback, and
there’s nothing to do but wait and hope. Those lifet hreatening complications,
along with the treatment delays, lead to dire outcomes.

Because while there are some medications that can increase a certain kind
of white blood cell, there is no pharmaceutical that can boost platelet levels.
The only option for restoring platelets is transfusions—and they take time to
work, time advanced cancer patients don’t have. Worse, transfusions tend to
stop working over time. And then there is no hope.

But Dr. Beljanksi’s work changes that. His Real- Build® formula (based on
specific, unique RNA fragments, more on that in a moment) keeps white blood
cell and platelet production at maximum levels, letting patients complete their
full rounds of treatment without even needing dose reductions. RealBuild helps
advanced cancer patients—with any kind of cancer—get through their chemo-
therapy and radiation protocols successfully, boosting cure and survival rates.

Remarkable treatment progress,

despite earlier failures

In this stunning trial, researchers worked with 63 advanced cancer
patients, all of whom were suffering from thrombocytopenia (dangerously low
platelets) caused by chemotherapy.^1 Many of the patients’ cancers had spread,
even into their bones and bone marrow. And all of them had compromised
bone marrow due to earlier treatment.

The patients were split into two groups, one which got RealBuild, and the
other which got a different RNA-based compound.

Here’s the amazing part: No patients in the RealBuild group had to stop
treatment. All the patients maintained remarkable platelet levels, much to the

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