Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

(nextflipdebug2) #1
HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures • 99

researchers’ surprise. And at a 60-80 mg dose, none of those patients even
needed transfusions. Unfortunately, the patients in the other group did not
fare as well: some of them required dose reductions or treatment delays.

This study came on the heels of an earlier investigation, led by doctors
at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America.^2 This small, Phase I study also
showed that RealBuild was able to boost platelet recovery in advanced cancer
patients undergoing aggressive chemotherapy. One third of those patients had
cancer that spread into their bones, and more than half suffered from throm-
bocytopenia. Again, all of the patients taking RealBuild had improved platelet
levels, and no chemotherapy dose reductions.

This remarkable treatment turnaround in patients with advanced meta-
static cancers, patients whose treatment had been suspended before due to
dangerously low blood counts, speaks to the genius of Dr. Beljanski, a man
whose work was truly ahead of its time.

Special RNA fragments turn the scientific

world upside down

Dr. Beljanski’s research turned the scientific world upside down. In that
world, DNA reigned supreme. But his work found that another substance,
RNA, could have a giant impact on DNA, especially when it came to blood
and bone marrow cells.

You see, he was the first scientist to detect a process called reverse
transcriptase in bacteria, a process where RNA essentially tells DNA what
to do. This key breakthrough led to the creation of small ‘trigger’ RNAs,
which can make healthy cells replicate, like the bone marrow and blood
cells depleted by cancer treatments. That discovery eventually led to the
RealBuild formula.

And all this happened despite overwhelming resistance from leading
French scientists, and the continual obstacles they forced in his path.

But Dr. Beljanski never quit. He figured out exactly how the RNA trigger
stimulated DNA, setting off normal cell (and only normal cell) replication.
To keep experimenting, he had to overcome yet another barrier: RNA chains
were prohibitively expensive, so he came up with a way to get around that, by
creating smaller pieces derived from a very safe form of E. coli. (Yes, there is a
100% safe E. coli strain that does not cause any disease.)

With that in hand, Beljanski set out to tackle the most challenging dis-
ease—cancer—made even more challenging because its conventional treat-
ment often causes severe blood cell losses. Those dangerous drops in white

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