Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

(nextflipdebug2) #1
HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures • 101


HSI Exclusive: Fascinating technological

breakthrough unleashes the full power

of this Alzheimer’s miracle


ONFIDENTIAL. Stamped on every page of the research I’m about to
share with you. You, as an HSI member, are getting an exclusive look at
information that has not yet been revealed to the public—and some of it may
remain under wraps for quite a while.
Thanks to our extensive network of inside sources, you’re among the first
to hear about this innovative breakthrough, technology so advanced that it
may forever change the way we treat cognitive decline.

Confidential unpublished research reveals

a life-changing discovery

Now because this breakthrough is still unpublished, I can’t share a lot of
details. But I can tell you this—and you’re among the very first to know about
this huge scientific advance.
Using cutting edge technology, scientists were literally able to see Longvi-
da®, a revolutionary new brain-saving compound, bind to beta amyloid after
a single dose. A single dose!
The implications are stunning. And the work is ongoing. Since I can’t
reveal any more, let me just say this: a safe substance that can bind to beta
amyloid immediately could very well change the future of treatment for Alz-
heimer’s disease...
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