Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

(nextflipdebug2) #1
HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures • 105

including serrapeptase, a powerful proteolytic enzyme, there’s a virtual house-
cleaner on your side.

How does that work? When Longvida binds to and breaks up those
plaques, some of that residue makes its way into the bloodstream. There, ser-
rapeptase basically chews it up, making it easier for your body to get rid of it.

Makes sense, since serrapeptase is a well-known plaque-dissolver, though
much of the research focuses on arterial plaques, which cause atherosclerosis.

Three more brain-saving ingredients

strengthen DejaVida

Along with curcumin and serrapeptase, three critical nutrients help keep
your brain power on full.

Vitamin D3, well, you can’t really have a successful brain formula without
it. Low levels of vitamin D3 can directly cause decreased cognition. And there
are several studies linking low D3 with Alzheimer’s disease—and better brain
function in patients with higher levels.8,9,10

Niacin (vitamin B3) appears to prevent DNA damage to neurons that
occurs in Alzheimer’s disease.11 In fact, mice with Alzheimer’s who were given
vitamin B3 performed as well on memory tests as normal, healthy mice.

Green tea extract, with 50% EGCG, helps calm down out-of-control
enzymes. When these enzymes (more specifically, the NADPH oxidase
enzyme) are out of balance, they keep “turning over” and produce a cascade
of free radicals. That’s where the green tea extract steps in, making sure those
enzymes calm down, producing only as much as your body needs.

DejaVida turns the tables on

Alzheimer’s disease...and more

DejaVida is the only brain supplement with the full healing powers of
Longvida—you can’t find this formula anywhere else.

The manufacturer recommends taking two capsules, twice a day, on an
empty stomach to maintain strong brain function.

You can find ordering information for DejaVida in the Member Source
Directory on page 161.

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