Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures • 107
She started missing work. And when she did make it in to the office, it
was impossible to get through the day without resting. Her neurologist wanted
to put her on prednisone, or try some other prescription drugs, but Angela
wanted to avoid that. Her boss suggested she file for disability—but she really
did not want to do that, either.

But just when she was getting to the end of her rope, about two years after her
diagnosis, Angela found out about a revolutionary supplement, one that could
put an end to her overwhelming fatigue, and get her back on her feet again.

Because of her swallowing problems, she couldn’t manage the full dose
right away, so she started slow and worked her way up. By the time she’d
gotten to the full dose, about two months later, she saw a real difference. And
people who meet her now have no idea she ever struggled with such overpow-
ering fatigue.

This life-changing supplement is called OPTI Factor. And it can change
the lives of people struggling with severe fatigue. Whether it’s from an autoim-
mune disease (like myasthenia gravis or fibromyalgia) or the crippling effects
of cancer treatment, this supplement can help you feel like yourself again.

Fatigue is much more than being tired

It can’t be fixed by a nap or a cup of coffee. In fact, like Angela learned,
getting more sleep (which is what everyone around you recommends) doesn’t
help at all—in fact, it can make you feel even worse.

Fatigue drains your body of energy, and replaces it with down to the bone
weariness. It lasts for weeks, months, years, making it impossible to live your
life. You simply can’t function at your normal level. And after enduring this
for an unimaginable length of time, it starts to take a toll on your emotions.

Fatigue strikes in many ways. In your brain, it comes across as confusion
and depression. Your muscles just feel weaker overall. It impacts your mood,
your sleep, your every waking moment, and every cell in your body. It takes a
toll on your health, your whole life.

That’s why the only real solution is to combat fatigue at the cellular level.

With a damaged powerhouse, your body

can’t produce enough energy

Your body can’t function without healthy mitochondria, the energy pro-
ducers for every cell in your body. But these tiny powerhouses have a weak
spot: they’re extremely vulnerable to oxidative damage, which is completely
unavoidable—virtually everything causes it.

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