Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

(nextflipdebug2) #1

108 • HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures

The phosphoglycolipid membrane (a sort of protective coating of specialized
lipids) surrounding the cell gets broken by that oxidative stress. And when your
mitochondria divide and replicate, that damage becomes part of their new template.

A broken powerhouse just can’t produce enough energy. And now mul-
tiply that by every single cell in your body, and you can see where this over-
whelming fatigue begins.

Your body does realize there’s a problem, though, and tries to fix it—but
without a fresh source of healthy raw materials in perfect condition, it doesn’t
stand a chance.

That’s where NT Factor, the proprietary key ingredient in OPTI Factor,
comes into the picture. It offers your body a full supply of wholly intact,
pristine phosphoglycolipids that it can use to replace the ones that have been
damaged by oxidation.

That fixes the current problem, and helps keep the damage from becoming
part of the cellular template. Now you have healthy, fully functioning mito-
chondria. And energy production can start up again, full steam ahead. And it
takes a lot less time than you’d think.

NT Factor restarts energy production

in as little as one week

Think about it. In just one week, you might start feeling like your old self
again, not plagued by overpowering fatigue. It sounds too good to be true, I
know, but the latest study, a small preliminary trial with very positive results,
bears it out. And earlier studies (which we’ll get to in a moment) confirm NT
Factor’s energy-restoring powers.

Using an online fatigue survey, scientists were able to measure just how well
NT Factor (combined with a B-vitamin complex in a proprietary formula very sim-
ilar to OPTI Factor) worked for 67 adults with varying levels of ongoing fatigue.^1

And in just one week, that fatigue decreased by an average 36.8%, using
the Piper Fatigue Scale. In fact, several components of fatigue including mood
and cognition also improved dramatically.

Again, this is a very small study, and done with online participants. But
there are several other studies showing that NT Factor plays a definite role in
reducing fatigue. But to get there, you have to start with your mitochondria.

Only the pristine lipids in NT Factor get the job done

Nobel Prize nominee Dr. Garth Nicolson has dedicated his long and dis-
tinguished career to mitochondrial function. So if you want to know how to

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