Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

(nextflipdebug2) #1

110 • HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures

Some of the subjects kept taking the NT Factor for a total of twelve weeks,
then went through a twelve-week washout period (where they didn’t take it).
And while it didn’t happen right away, mitochondrial function began to drop
back toward pre-trial levels, and fatigue re-emerged.

So while NT Factor (the main ingredient in OPTI Factor) can restore
energy and combat fatigue, it is not a cure or a one-time fix. You need to keep
taking it to maintain the positive results... and that’s just what HSI member
Jim Harkness from Tennessee did.

HSI member stunned by OPTI Factor’s energy boost

Jim Harkness has always been a very active guy, a real outdoorsman. In fact,
he loves being outdoors so much that he’s been bitten by ticks more than 50 times!

The last time he was bitten, though, he got more than an itchy bump. He
started feeling sick and exhausted, enduring terrible headaches for more than
a week. For the first time in his life, Jim had no energy, and the fatigue was so
strong he had trouble getting out of bed.

On his sister’s advice (he’d never call on his own), Jim went to the doctor
and got tested for Lyme disease. The test came back positive... and so did the
test for Rocky Mountain spotted fever. The doctor put him on a long course
of antibiotics, and told him to wait it out. But he had no real answer for the
fatigue, and wasn’t sure whether that would go away.

During that time, he read about a product in his Members Alert, and when
he called to order, he got into a conversation about his overwhelming fatigue.
And luckily for Jim, the company also sold OPTI Factor.

He started taking OPTI Factor, and noticed a real difference in just two
weeks. At first, he thought it was from the antibiotics, but then he realized it
was the new supplement. His energy was back, and he had more of it than he’d
had for a while, “an endless supply of energy,” according to Jim.

NT Factor plus energizing nutrients

make OPTI Factor the ultimate

anti-fatigue supplement

OPTI Factor builds on the effectiveness of NT Factor with a complement
of energizing nutrients.

B complex vitamins, including biotin, folate, B6, and B12 (among others)
are well-known for their energy boost. Vitamin B6, for ex-ample, is believed
to help the body increase energy and resist fatigue. And Vitamin B12 is prac-
tically famous for its energy boosting capabilities.

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