Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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112 • HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures


Ancient aphrodisiac tames

menopause symptoms and fires up

your love life


et’s face it, ladies. No one looks forward to menopause. The hot flashes,
the night sweats, the extreme moods, and the disappearing love life.
That’s the old view of menopause. And thanks to a brand new, ancient
remedy, it’s about to change dramatically.
On top of that, this incredible formula may very well help prevent
breast cancer—something you won’t find with pharmaceutical menopause
medications. In fact, they may actually increase your risk, making this
remedy far superior.

Soon-to-be published studies show

overwhelming benefits

Menopause symptoms can be pretty intense, and make your life feel like a
very unpleasant roller coaster ride. For millions of women, it gets so bad they
consider using HRT, despite the very real and sometimes deadly risks associ-
ated with that treatment.
But now there’s a safe natural option, that’s proven effective in clinical
trials. It’s called Warmi®, and it draws on the ancient wisdom of the Incas
for modern menopause relief. And though its key ingredient’s been used
traditionally for thousands of years, cutting edge science shows us just how
well this formula works for women. Now, the studies specifically investigating
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