Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

(nextflipdebug2) #1

HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures • 115
Now, the research is still at the in vitro stages (meaning only tested in
cancer cells in the lab), but the results have been powerful.

Beta-sitosterol, a primary component of maca, inhibited breast cancer cell
growth by 80% in just five days.^4

Hesperidin stopped the production of highly invasive MCF-7 breast
cancer cells.^5 Some researchers believe that hesperidin may actually work as a
breast cancer treatment.

Yes, these studies are preliminary, and involved only some cells in a lab.
But wouldn’t you rather use something that might prevent breast cancer than
something that might cause it?

Warmi cools down hot flashes and

heats up your love life

Along with relieving unbearable menopause symptoms, Warmi brings the
fire back to your bedroom...and even adds some breast cancer protection.

The manufacturer recommends taking 1 capsule, 3 times a day, with food,
and with a full glass of water for best absorption. You can expect to really feel
the effects in about a month, though some women respond more quickly.

You can find ordering information for Warmi in the Member Source
Directory on page 161.

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