Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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132 • HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures

As expected, in the NEO40 group that led to a substantial increase in
their blood levels of nitrite and nitrate, meaning more NO. The people in the
placebo group actually saw a slight decrease in their levels.

But that’s not all that happened. The NEO40 supplements also had made
quite a direct difference in some very important cardiovascular risk factors.

  • 72% of subjects with high triglyceride levels Triglyceride levels
    (fasting) plummeted by up to 55% (with an average drop of 27%)

  • Up to 37% reduction in C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in
    subjects with elevated CRP

  • An average 7 point drop in systolic blood pressure (in subjects
    with hypertension), and a 2.7 point drop in diastolic pressure

  • Plus, more than half the subjects reported feeling more
    energetic and less anxious
    What’s more, nearly 80% of those participants said that they wanted to
    keep taking NEO40 lozenges.

NEO40 can help you cut back on

pharmaceutical drugs...and their side effects

While the studies offer up a lot of impressive numbers, you really need
to know how taking NEO40 Daily can help change your life. And the most
dramatic impact may be that you’ll be able to cut back on—and maybe get
off of—pharmaceutical drugs. Especially when it comes to blood pressure

In fact, one of the first people to enjoy that was Dr. Bryan’s father, who
had very poor circulation due to a car accident that left him paraplegic. He’d
been taking three different drugs to manage his blood pressure, along with
metformin for his diabetes. So Dr. Bryan (working with his dad’s cardiologist)
started his father on the lozenges. Over a period of months, his blood sugar
normalized, and he began to wean off the blood pressure drugs—now he only
needs one.

And then there’s Dr. Zand’s father (remember Dr. Zand, one of the
researchers working with Dr. Bryan). Her 90-year-old father was also taking
three medications to control his blood pressure. But within six weeks of start-
ing the NEO40 lozenges, he didn’t need any of them anymore.

Impressive—but they’re far from the only two who’ve experienced this
miracle. Elizabeth Shirley, compounding pharmacist for the People’s Pharma-
cy, has seen it happen time and again. In fact, that’s one reason people go to
her, to get off pharmaceutical drugs and avoid their negative side effects. And

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