Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

(nextflipdebug2) #1
HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures • 137

focus only on the headache pain and clogged sinus passages, this formula takes
a whole-body approach. And it really works.

First, the formula tones down the histamine release, acting sort of like an
antihistamine but without all the awful side effects. Through that, it helps
normalize mucous secretions and healthier sinus cavities.

Next, Adult Sinus Support acts like a respiratory health booster, balancing
your sinus and bronchial function. In doing that, it clears and soothes the
mucous membranes of your sinuses and lungs.

Finally, and this is what makes the formula truly unique, it addresses your
digestive system in a very specific way, a way that effectively alters your entire
immune system function so it works better.

The real fix to your sinus problems

comes from a very unexpected place

When you’re looking for a solution to sinus problems, you’d never think
to consider your digestive system—but that’s where the answer really begins.
In fact, your digestive system is literally the largest arm of your immune sys-
tem, and if things aren’t in balance there, your sinuses don’t stand a chance.

And that’s what makes Adult Sinus Support different than any other sinus
formula you’ve ever tried. It attacks sinusitis where it really starts, in your
digestive tract. That’s why formulator Stacey Littlefield included barberry root
extract, even though at first glance that doesn’t seem to make sense.

Barberry root contains a compound called berberine, the unsung hero in
this sinus remedy. Berberine creates a healthy environment in your gut with
its super strong antimicrobial powers. It kills off the bad bugs so probiotics
can colonize.

Which leads to the question: Why not just put probiotics in the formula?
Because probiotics are very sensitive. They need precise conditions to survive,
and you always want to take live probiotics. So Adult Sinus Support boosts
your probiotic levels through the back door, by knocking out the bacteria that
fight them for space. When probiotics thrive, they help your body recognize
what’s really harmful... and what’s not... a big victory when it comes to an
overreacting immune system that triggers allergy symptoms, like sinusitis.

When your immune system goes into hyperdrive, probiotics step in to
help calm it down by helping to regulate an antibody called IgE. When IgE
spins out of control, it sounds the alarm against substances (like pollen, pet
fur, and foods) that aren’t really harmful to your health (like viruses and det-
rimental bacteria are). That sets off allergy symptoms—blocked sinuses, post

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