Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

(nextflipdebug2) #1

142 • HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures

But there’s another option. A safe, non-toxic solution for even some of
the most difficult cancers to treat. This unbelievably effective cancer-fighting
extract comes from the bark of the magnolia officianalis tree. It’s been used in
Asian medicine for centuries to

  • ease anxiety and promote relaxation

  • bust up blood clots

  • prevent nausea and vomiting, and fight bacterial infections
    And when modern science entered the picture, we learned the true power
    and full cancer-slaying potential comes from a unique active ingredient,
    known as honokiol.

Honokiol attacks even the toughest cancers, even those that mainstream
oncologists consider incurable. And while the studies proving its power have
been done in the lab and with animal subjects, the evidence of its effectiveness
is stacking up.

Honokiol fights cancer in multiple

ways for a surefire defeat

When it comes to cancer, there’s more than one way to beat it, so honoki-
ol doesn’t stop at one. Instead, it attacks cancer on multiple fronts, fighting
tumors head-on.

It starts by making sure the tumors can’t supply themselves with the nutri-
ents they need to thrive. You see, like all other cells, cancer cells need food and
oxygen (among other things) to stay alive. They get their supplies by creating
their own blood vessel networks, a process called angiogenesis.

But honokiol simply doesn’t let that happen. An early in vitro study
found that honokiol could prevent angiogenesis,^1 and more. This research
also uncovered another anti-cancer power in honokiol’s arsenal: the ability to
prevent tumor growth (formally known as antiproliferative activity) in mice
with angiosarcoma, an extremely malignant and aggressive cancer that usually
grows and spreads alarmingly fast.

Another in vitro study^2 discovered one of the key ways that honokiol helps
conquer many types of cancer. It prevents a cancer-sustaining enzyme called
PLD (phospholipase D) from doing its job. Left unchecked, PLD keeps cancer
cells from dying off (a process known as apoptosis). So when honokiol blocks
it, cancer cells die.

Increased PLD activity has been linked to several cancers (breast, kidney
and colon, for example) and cancer cell lines (lung, pancreatic, and prostate,
to name a few). So honokiol’s ability to rein in this disease- promoting enzyme
can have a remarkable effect on any cancer that relies on PLD to survive.

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