Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures • 143

Fight colon cancer without making yourself sicker

Colorectal cancer strikes hundreds of thousands of people every year—
often affecting people over 60 years old. And while this form of cancer can be
treated successfully using mainstream methods (like surgery and chemothera-
py), the treatments themselves can be painful and debilitating.

Honokiol fights and kills many forms of cancer—but studies have shown
that it does this without harming healthy cells (unlike many forms of che-
motherapy). So researchers investigated honokiol’s effect on one of the most
common cancers—colorectal cancer.

One group of researchers studied mice with human colon cancer. They
injected the mice with honokiol every other day, and the results were stun-
ning. The honokiol blocked tumor growth without a toxic effect on the mice.
In fact, this powerful natural treatment prolonged their lives.^3

Prostate cancer can be complicated,

but the real solution is very simple

Prostate cancer takes more than one form, but most mainstream treat-
ments only work on a single, specific form. Honokiol, it turns out, just may
be able to treat prostate cancer regardless of the form: androgen status, for
example, or p53 status. (Androgen status refers to hormone levels, and p53 is
a gene that is sometimes altered in men with prostate cancer.)

An in vitro study found that honokiol effectively caused apoptosis in sev-
eral kinds of prostate cancer cells, both androgen dependent and independent,
as well as cells with varying p53 status.

Bolstered by that success, they progressed their research to an animal
study. There, the scientists found that treating mice with honokiol three times
a week halted prostate tumor growth. The researchers also found a higher rate
of cancer cell death. And more prostate cancer cell death combined with less
tumor growth is exactly what you want when fighting this disease.

And unlike the mainstream options—surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and
hormone therapy—honokiol did not cause weight loss or any other side effects.^4

Honokiol takes on even ‘incurable’ cancers

B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) is one of the toughest can-
cers to treat and beat. According to the mainstream medical community, it
remains incurable. But some very insightful researchers refused to accept that.
And based on honokiol’s success against other cancer cell lines, they decided
to see how well it would work fighting B-CLL cells. Their intuition paid off.

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