Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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148 • HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures

But in1948, the FDA shut him down, forbidding him to let other doctors
know about his work. Not intimidated, Dr.Earp-Thomas faced his Goliath in
federal court and won. But the war was just getting started.

As he walked down the courthouse steps, the head of the FDA group
confronted him, taunting him. He asked how much this victory had cost the
doctor. And when Dr. Earp-Thomas named the amount (which would be
about $1 million today), the FDA agent asked if he could afford to do that
every year.

Disheartened but still dedicated, Dr. Earp-Thomas returned to work. And
just short time after his courtroom victory, his lab was mysteriously burned to
the ground, and much of his research was reduced to ashes. The doctor never
quite recovered from this tragedy, and died soon after.

The story might have ended there if Dr. Gerald Olarsch hadn’t carried
on the work, and taken it even further. And while his findings (which remain
unpublished) unlocked the door to perfect health, another element was neces-
sary to help you walk through that door. All this science comes together in a
single perfect formula called Supplement Charge.

Ward off even the most dreaded

diseases with this perfect formula

The secret uncovered by Dr. Earp-Thomas and passed onto Dr. Olarsch
seems so simple, but it’s beautifully complex. These scientists realized that the
body could not function properly without trace minerals—and not just any
trace minerals, but specific natural elements brought together in the precise
proportions in Supplement Charge.

We need just the tiniest amount of these minerals—it would fit on the
head of a pin—but they’re very hard to come by. On top of that, they need to
be in just the right form for your body to be able to use them properly. That
form is called electrolyte (which probably just made you think of a certain
sugary sports drink), which means something very different than most people
think. It’s not just sodium and potassium (though these minerals are a critical
part of the perfect formula).

Electrolytes are energized, electromagnetic minerals—and your very cells
are sustained by these electrolytes. In fact, every cell in your body needs elec-
trolytes to stay round and healthy, a function of something called osmotic
pressure, which balances the force inside and outside the cell wall. When that
cell wall is strong, it’s better able to ward off invaders, one step toward keeping
you in optimal health.

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