Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures • 151

  1. Selenium prevents a wide range of diseases, including
    heart attack,^5 cataracts,^6 and many forms of cancer^7

  2. Sodium works to keep your body properly hydrated, and (despite
    mainstream misconception) plays a key role in maintaining healthy
    blood pressure levels

  3. Zinc deficiency is linked to many debilitating conditions, including
    Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, night blindness, fibromyalgia, and
    impotence, as well as helping prevent and treat many forms of cancer^8

  4. Silica (a form of silicon) keeps your blood vessels in peak shape and
    keeps your bones strong
    That’s eleven, the eleven elements included in Dr. Olarsch’s original
    formula. But Supplement Charge brings one more crucial mineral into the
    mix: magnesium.

  5. Magnesium plays a part in virtually every system in your body, right
    down to making sure your cell membranes keep the proper electrical
    charge. This mineral keeps your heart pumping, your brain ticking,
    and your lungs breathing. And when all that’s under control, magne-
    sium takes on cancer,^9 diabetes,^10 inflammation,^11 and so much more.
    You can see the enormous protection these miniscule trace minerals offer,
    though there hasn’t yet been any research conducted on this specific formula.
    And when that’s combined with the pH-balancing properties of the propri-
    etary salt blend in the Supplement Charge formula, the disease-preventing
    power could be unstoppable.

Take Supplement Charge to supercharge

your health and fight off disease

The perfect combination of trace elements in Supplement Charge can help
prevent diseases—even cancer—from winning. And it can help turn things
around if you’re already stricken with virtually any disease. With your blood
in good pH balance, and a full complement of electrolytes, your body will be
armed with everything it needs to stay healthy.

The manufacturer recommends adding 8 pumps (1 ml) of Supplement
Charge to 8 ounces of water, as often as you like.

You can find ordering information for Supplement Charge in your Mem-
ber Source Directory on page 161.

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