Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

(nextflipdebug2) #1
HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures • 153

to feel better, soon. So a really effective gout solution has to cover both sides
of the issue: get rid of the pain and inflammation now, and help your kidneys
clear more uric acid for the long haul. And that solution is Goutch!.

The formula was carefully developed by the Redd Remedies research team,
a combination of science and tradition, including one gout-quelling superstar
that had the FDA in an uproar.

Is this ‘controversial’ fruit causing

a rift in the government?

You wouldn’t think sweet cherries would be controversial, but they seem
to have caused a rift in the US government. While the USDA seems to support
cherries as a great way to battle gout, the FDA wants to shut cherries down. In
fact, the FDA went as far as to issue warning letters to companies that dared
make “unproven” claims about helping gout that the USDA
itself supports.

But unlike its Big Pharma-friendly cousins, the USDA continues to back
cherries and their role in gout relief. In fact, this agency has actually been
involved with studies proving that cherries tackle both inflammation and uric
acid, two key players in every gout attack.

That’s right. The USDA has studied cherries, with very sweet results.
Sweet treat lowers uric acid and CRP...and prevents gout flare-ups
It started back in 2003, when researchers set out to see just how well cher-
ries could lower blood levels of uric acid. So they recruited 10 healthy women
for a preliminary study, and had them eat 45 fresh Bing cherries for breakfast.
The scientists measured the uric acid levels in the blood and urine of the vol-
unteers before and after the cherries. And five hours after they ate the fruit, the
women’s blood levels decreased by a substantial 14%. Plus, at the three-hour
mark, their uric acid output (in urine) increased by more than 70%.^1

With those results in hand, the scientists looked at another angle, pitting
cherries against inflammation. In this study, 18 healthy men and women ate
280 grams of cherries every day for 28 days, along with their normal diets. The
scientists took blood samples at the outset, every week during the study, and
four weeks after the subjects stopped eating cherries. And those blood draws
showed lower levels of inflammation markers, including a 25% drop in CRP
(C-reactive protein) by day 28.^2

And then just last year, another group of researchers found that cherries
can actually prevent future gout flare-ups. They recruited 633 gout patients
over the Internet, all of whom experienced recurrent attacks during the study.

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