Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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28 • Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine


Wipe out prostate cancer

without touching a single healthy cell


hen you think about being diagnosed with prostate cancer, what are
you most afraid of? The cancer itself, or the (let’s face it) terrible “treat-
ments” the mainstream pushes?

Think about it—for all the suffering they put you through, chemotherapy
and radiation have yet to show they can really do anything close to curing men
with advanced prostate cancer.

In fact, most treatments only promise to make life a little easier, but that’s
a joke. You could go under the knife, only to be left incontinent and impotent.
Or you could shuttle yourself back and forth for daily radiation treatments—
with the possible reward of living with a catheter for the rest of your days. For
promising to make life a little easier, these treatments leave a lot to be desired.

But all of that could change, thanks to a formula that’s just hitting the
U.S.—a formula that attacks cancer cells without harming a single healthy
cell. A formula that actually repairs the DNA damage that leads to cancer. A
formula that can stop cancer cell growth by 90% within one day.

It’s called Prostabel, and it’s a stunning breakthrough that owes its very
existence to a brilliant scientist who was far ahead of his time.

Ancient remedies reinvented as modern cancer-fighters

You might remember the names Watson and Crick from science classes.
Back in the early 1950s, they described the double-helix structure of DNA,
the very blueprint of our bodies.

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