Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • 29

But around that same time, a young biochemist and biologist was going
farther—much farther—at the prestigious Pasteur Institute in Paris.

Dr. Mirko Beljanski devoted his entire life to studying cell regulation and
replication, especially how DNA and RNA take part in cellular health. Your
DNA holds your unique genetic code, and RNA controls what happens with
the cells in your body. Beljanski was especially interested in what happens when
something goes wrong with cell regulation—and how to get it back on track.

His passion paid off. Around the same time that Watson and Crick were
demonstrating the shape of DNA, Beljanksi discovered that, before genetic
mutations of DNA occur, attacks on the double helix itself create a structure
that no longer functions properly. This allows damaged DNA to replicate
much faster, gaining speed with each division. Beljanksi connected this excess
replication and increased cell multiplication to cancer.

Beljanski knew he was onto something—if he could find a way to stabilize
that second structure, he could prevent DNA from abnormally replicating.
So he started a tireless search for natural substances that could stabilize DNA
without harmful side effects.

What he found were extracts that did just that and were toxic to cancer
cells without doing harm to healthy cells (unlike chemotherapy and radiation,
which destroy cancer cells and healthy cells without discrimination). Extracts
that fight cancer without side effects. Among those were Pao pereira and Rau-
woflia vomitoria.

Both have been used for centuries by indigenous peoples for a variety of
ailments. And Dr. Beljanski found they could actually repair the abnormal
structure I described a few moments ago.

He demonstrated that, at optimal doses, these two herbs stopped the pro-
liferation of cancer cell lines while sparing healthy cells. This effect was the
same with several kinds of cancer—brain, colon, liver, kidney, and skin. And,
of course, Beljanski showed they were active against prostate cancer.^1

Testing Rauwolfia vomitoria, he found that, with high doses, up to 80%
of the mice treated with the extract lived 90 days. Those who went untreated
were all dead by day 40. The mice Beljanski deemed cured survived in “excel-
lent condition.”^2

He went on to use both extracts successfully in numerous human case
studies. But they would have been lost had it not been for one very important
move the doctor made.

Dr. Mirko Beljanksi wanted to make sure his life’s work didn’t stop with
his death. So before he died in 1998, he entrusted his research to Natural

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