Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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32 • Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine

Peter Williams decided to tell his story after an 18-month struggle. On the
day he turned 68, an ultrasound showed an abnormality. He had a biopsy a
few weeks later—adenocarcinoma. After undergoing hormone treatments, he
knew he needed something better. So he looked to Dr. Beljanski’s formula.
His PSA dropped from 5.57 to 0.10, and his radiologist can’t find anything
abnormal. He’s been in remission for 2 years, with his PSA holding steady.

We’ll be sure to update you on the results of the current clinical trial at
Columbia University. Ordering information for Prostabel is below.

A word about Rauwolfia

Rauwolfia comes in different forms, one of which has been used exten-
sively in naturopathic medicine for lowering blood pressure. That form, called
rauwolfia serpentina, contains a substance called resperine, which is only
available by prescription. The resperine has been removed from the rauwolfia
vomitoria used in the Prostabel formula.

You’ll find ordering information for Prostabel in the Member Source
Directory on page 80.

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