Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • 33


This groundbreaking natural cure

halts the most invasive breast cancer

even when chemotherapy fails


ou know the startling statistics: More than 225,000 American women will
be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer this year alone.
Nearly 65,000 more women will suffer from non-invasive breast cancer.
And almost 40,000 of our sisters, mothers, daughters, nieces, neighbors
and friends will die, every year, from breast cancer.

It’s a leading cause of death in women, second only to lung cancer. The
death rate is so high because invasive breast cancer does just what it sounds like:
it invades and takes over other organs in your body, with often fatal results.

And the sad fact is: conventional treatments are nearly as devastating as the
disease itself. You’ve heard the horror stories.That’s the past.

We now know about a true breast cancer solution. A natural cure that slows
tumor growth and prevents breast cancer spread—even the most deadly, aggressive,
invasive forms. Even when those devastating conventional treatments have failed.

One woman’s desperate search for a cure

when conventional therapies failed

It was almost too late when Marion was diagnosed with Stage IV, triple
negative breast cancer. Determined to fight, she endured debilitating chemo-
therapy with Adriamycin and Cytoxan before undergoing a painful mastecto-
my. That chemotherapy failed miserably—her cancer grew on this regimen.

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