Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • 43

a way to control diabetes). And to support its full pound-shedding magic, it
uses the help of an unsung hero, a tiny supporting player that can really help
this super mineral truly shine.

Added to those are three ancient herbs, used extensively in Ayurvedic and
Traditional Chinese Medicine, for both blood sugar and weight management
(among other things). And with all that power in a single formula, you’ll be
able to send those holiday pounds packing for good.

Now, the CraveStop formula is brand new, so it hasn’t been fully tested.
The Clinic did run some very small, very short pilot case studies—and the
formula did deliver positive results. And over time, I’m confident that clinical
use will lead to a body of strong evidence supporting the formula. But I didn’t
want to wait that long to bring it to you, when it could start working for you
right now. Especially because each of the ingredients comes with a long pedi-
gree of science to support its effectiveness.

Chromium 454 puts a new spin

on the weight loss mineral

Chromium 454 takes the superstar sugar mineral to a whole new level—
and chromium already works on many levels to keep blood sugar under con-
trol. What makes this form of chromium so special is its delivery method: a
patented new technology (where it’s encased with high-betalain beet) makes
Chromium 454 water soluble, and more easily absorbed by the body.^1

In case you’re wondering if you really need chromium, you do. Chromi-
um levels are proven to significantly decrease as we get older. And that deple-
tion increases your risk of weight gain, and other serious conditions including
Type II diabetes, coronary heart disease, and arteriosclerosis.^2

Taking chromium can have a real impact on your weight. In fact, one small
study found that supplementing with chromium for eight weeks reduced hunger
and food intake, decreased fat cravings, and helped overweight women lose weight.^3
Another pilot trial found that supplementing with chromium helped reduce carb
cravings and appetite, especially in people who had severe carbohydrate cravings.^4

And while it’s knocking out the fat and carb cravings, chromium (just 200
mcg per day, the amount in CraveStop) also helps reduce weight and body fat,
while improving lean body composition.5,6

So chromium can really help you lose weight, and keep it off. And along
with that, there’s a stack of proof showing that chromium can also help keep
your blood sugar in check, and reverse insulin resistance—two factors known
to be involved in obesity.

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