Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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44 • Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine

And while these two minerals alone could have a dramatic impact on your
weight, CraveStop contains three supportive ancient herbs that can make your
struggle a thing of the past.

One trace mineral and three sugar-stomping herbs

help you lose weight and keep it off

HSI members may be familiar with the ancient herbs in CraveStop, I’d be
willing to bet that you haven’t heard much—if anything—about the key trace
mineral included in the formula.

Vanadium doesn’t get a lot of press, but it probably should. Along with
potent antioxidant properties, this trace mineral can play a key winning role in
the weight loss battle, by helping trounce high blood sugar and improve insulin
resistance. Several studies demonstrate its ability to stabilize blood sugar levels,
including one where fasting blood sugar levels were slashed by 20% (using a
high dose).^7 It seems to work by increasing the sensitivity of insulin and glucose
receptors, so your body doesn’t need to make as much insulin. And as you read
earlier, more insulin means more fat cells—and that means weight gain.

Gymnema sylvestre helps you lose weight by reducing carb cravings in a
very unique way. The plant contains unique molecules that fill up the sugar
receptors on your taste buds, so they don’t get activated when you eat sugar.
And it turns out that gymnema performs a similar trick in your digestive tract,
resulting in less glucose being absorbed by your body.^8
Banaba leaf comes at weight loss from another angle. This herb contains
corsolic acid, which helps your body use glucose more efficiently. And when
your cells are handling glucose better, high blood sugar levels will drop. It also
helps make sure that glucose doesn’t get stored in fat cells, which makes it
easier to take off weight.

American ginseng helps control blood sugar, though it’s much more com-
monly used to boost energy and fight stress and fatigue. In fact, some studies
have shown that American ginseng can lower blood sugar, even in patients
with Type II diabetes.^9 And controlling blood sugar is a critical factor for
permanent weight loss.

With these four ingredients added to the power of Chromium 454, those
extra holiday pounds don’t stand a chance of sticking around.

Stop the snack attack and shed those

extra pounds with CraveStop

With a multi-pronged approach to weight loss, CraveStop can help you
take off those extra pounds once and for all—and make sure they stay gone.

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