Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • 47

Getting to the source

The research team just had to discover where the bees got that propolis,
and Alessandro (with his intimate knowledge of the landscape) joined the
expedition. And discovering the botanical origin (dalbergia ecastophyllum)
brought them closer to learning its secrets.

The scientists were most interested in its red color and unique antioxidant and
flavonoid activity, which was different than any other propolis they’d ever seen.

In fact, studies showed that these flavonoids were actually special isofla-
vones, something no other propolis in the world lays claim to. Not only that,
but these isoflavones have a unique composition, making them more easily
absorbable by the body than the standard variety. And therein lies their power
to deliver a carefree menopause experience.

The aglycone difference

This Brazilian red bee propolis created by Alessandro’s hives contains sev-
eral isoflavones—some of which are still unidentified because they’ve never
been seen before. But the key to their healing capabilities is well-known...the
lack of a glucose ring, which is called aglycone.

This naturally aglycone isoflavone (called IsoFactor™) is much more effi-
ciently absorbed by the body than isoflavones with the ring (which is virtually
all others), including treated isoflavones. For example, aglycone soy isofla-
vones actually require a special fermentation process to remove that glucose
ring—mean ing they need to be treated like the ones naturally found in this
red propolis.

And one study^1 found that aglycone isoflavones were absorbed substan-
tially better than those with the glucose ring intact (called glucosides)—more
than five times better (based on blood levels). What’s more, those higher blood
levels remained higher even four weeks later.

And its natural aglycone property gives IsoFactor™—the key ingredient in
a revolutionary menopause formula called EaseFemin—a distinct advantage
over other isoflavones.

Unique isoflavones balance hormones

without damaging side effects

Isoflavones, like the ones in this Brazilian red bee propolis, are phytoestro-
gens—plant substances that are similar to human estrogen in their chemical
structure, but are much weaker.

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