Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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48 • Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine

When these compounds mimic human estrogen in specific sites through-
out the body, they bring on an abundance of health benefits. For one thing,
they can directly relieve troubling menopause symptoms by creating a balanc-
ing effect for estrogen levels. You see, the cell receptors in your body are used
to getting a steady supply of estrogen, and when that declines (as happens
during menopause), unpleasant symptoms can set in.

Phytoestrogens gently balance that estrogen supply, boosting it enough to
ease hot flashes and night sweats, without setting off a domino effect of neg-
ative effects (as is often seen when women use artificial hormone replacement
therapy). On top of that, these isoflavones can also stop ‘bad’ estrogen (the
form implicated in some forms of cancer) from causing harmful effects.

And that’s not all! Isoflavones and other flavonoids found in this unique
propolis are also highly powerful antioxidants. And that’s especially true (but
not at all surprising) here: Thanks to the very red resin of the dalbergia ecasto-
phyllum, the antioxidant profile is quite unique and powerful. In fact, a DPPH
test (a commonly used scientific test that measures free radical scavenging
ability) showed 84.3% effectiveness of IsoFactor™ against free radicals—a very
impressive score, especially for bee propolis.

As impressive as that is, it’s only the beginning of the benefits propolis can
offer—and has been offering for centuries.

The amazing protective powers of bee propolis—

warding off infections, fighting cancer, and more

Did you know that bee propolis has been used for healing since ancient
times? The Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians relied on this miraculous sub-
stances to cure any manner of ailment...and for good reason.

You see, propolis is what bees use to protect their hives from, well, every-
thing. In fact, propolis is literally the hive’s immune system, and it keeps the
entire inner environment pure and sterile. That’s an amazing feat, especially
considering that the inside of the hive is very hot (around 90º), making it a
prime breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, and other dangerous organisms.
But thanks to propolis, the inner hive remains pristine.

That antimicrobial power works for us, too. When we consume propolis
(or even rub it on wounds), it offers up anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacte-
rial powers that can protect us against a wide variety of infections ranging from
the common cold to candida (yeast infections) to gingivitis to salmonella.

And the latest research shows us that propolis also has cancer-fighting
capabilities. In fact, Brazilian red propolis in particular was tested to see just

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