Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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52 • Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine


COPD sufferer reveals:

“I never used an inhaler again”


ou’re gasping for air, but you can’t breathe. Your chest gets tighter, and
you can hear the wheeze every time you try to inhale.
It’s COPD, and there’s no cure (at least, according to mainstream med-
icine). And there’s definitely no safe and effective pharmaceutical treatment,
though that won’t stop your doctor from writing prescriptions, mainly for
inhaled steroids.

Because while those steroids may help you breathe temporarily, they come
with some very nasty side effects—especially with long-term use.

  • Weaker bones • High blood pressure

  • Cataracts • Diabetes
    But that is not your only choice. You can breathe easily again—with no
    steroids and no side effects.

In fact, thanks to a natural steroid-free product we uncovered a few years
ago, HSI members with COPD are living and breathing every day to the fullest.

“Thanks to HSI, I never used an inhaler again”

“I was gasping for air. I couldn’t breathe at all.”
Dina Lucci headed straight for the emergency room on Saint Patrick’s Day
2009—a day she will never forget—because she could not breathe.

They kept her in the hospital for three days, giving her antibiotics and
breathing treatments, which did help her breathe but made her feel very sick.

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