Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • 53

The doctor diagnosed her with COPD, prescribed inhalers (yes, more than
one) and oxygen, and sent her home.

And after months of struggling with prescriptions that helped her breathe
but stole her voice and left her feeling horrible, Dina Lucci found a solution in
her October 2009 Members Alert that changed everything for the better. That
was more than three years ago.

“From that first bottle, I never used an inhaler again.”

Breathe easily without inhalers or oxygen

Dina Lucci was released from the hospital with an oxygen tank and pre-
scriptions for multiple inhalers. They did help her breathe, but she couldn’t
talk, and they made her “feel just horrible.”

So she tried different inhalers, but they still made her feel sick, and she
still lost her voice. This went on for months, until she got her October 2009
Members Alert and read about a revolutionary COPD product called Resprin.

“I never hesitated to try it, because I trust HSI. I figured if it was in there,
it was worth a try. So I did.”

Suddenly, Dina could breathe easily without inhalers, without lugging around
an oxygen tank, without any side effects. The Resprin started working right away,
and never made her feel sick. And now, three years later, her lungs are still clear.

“I take one in the morning, and two at night...if I remember. Sometimes,
I feel so good I forget to take it! It’s the best thing that ever happened to me.
I wouldn’t want to ever be without it.”

Big Pharma endangers COPD sufferers

There’s some confusion about what exactly counts as COPD, but one
thing is very clear: if you have it, you can’t least not easily.

And right now, nearly 10 million Americans are struggling just to breathe.
And there seems to be nothing mainstream medicine can do about it, at least
nothing that helps you breathe without endangering you in other ways.

Pharmaceutical COPD drugs can wreak havoc on your body, increasing
your risk of diseases like diabetes and cataracts. And the risk doesn’t stop there.
Prescription bronchodilators (which include drugs like albuterol) can cause
tachycardia (fast heartbeat), chest pain, and even convulsions. Steroids can
leave you with osteoporosis or glaucoma and increase your risk of developing
diabetes. But what they can’t do is improve your lung function.

Even with prescription drugs, COPD gets worse over time, making it
harder and harder to breathe with each passing day.

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