Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • 63

infections, along with relieving flu symptoms. Part of that is due to its ability
to eliminate excess mucous, and reduce mucous thickness (so your body can
expel it more easily).

Habanero fruit stimulates and energizes your body, helping it rev up to
defend against invading viruses.

Liquid ionic zinc is critical for optimal immune system function, boosting
helper T-cell levels and activating NK-lumphocytes. This form of zinc acts as a very
strong antibacterial and antiviral agent, and appears to inhibit virus replication.

Wild mountain oregano oil is a particularly strong antimicrobial agent,
working hard to wipe out viruses and bacteria. It appears to be especially
effective for alleviating sore throats and bronchitis, and is believed to speed up
recovery from the common cold.

Combined with the other powerful herbs and homeopathic remedies,
these five super ingredients complete the Super ViraGon formula to help you
wipe out some of the most dreaded winter viruses.

Take Super ViraGon right away to stop germs cold
As soon as you feel that first tickle in your throat...that heaviness in your
head...the overall dull, achy feeling that comes right at the beginning, “slam
down a full megadose” of Super ViraGon (Dr. Barron’s own words).

If you can stop the flu while its still incubating, it will be much easier to
get rid of—and may even stop the virus dead in its tracks. But even if you’ve
missed that window and the virus has had a little time to brew, Super ViraGon
can help substantially cut down the duration of your illness.

The recommended dosage for Super ViraGon is 2-3 droppers in 2 ounces of
juice as needed. I highly recommend using tomato juice, and you can also put it
into soup or broth after its heated. At that first sign of illness, though, you can
increase that dose to 3-10 droppers in juice every hour, until the bottle is finished.

Just to be on the safe side, keep taking Super ViraGon for four or five days
after your symptoms stop, just to make sure the virus is completely cleared
from your system.

Oh, and a word of advice: Be prepared for the pungent garlic scent when
you get your package—even before you open it. Those 30 cloves make for
a powerful aroma, but since they come with powerful flu-fighting abilities,
they’re worth it.

You can find ordering information for Super ViraGon in the Member
Source Directory on page 80.

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