Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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68 • Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine


The “Chernobyl Secret” to safely

and naturally ridding your body of

dangerous radiation and toxins


here’s a lot of debate and mixed messages out there...but are we really at
risk for radiation contamination?
Unfortunately, there’s no simple answer to that question. From poten-
tial attacks from terrorists with dirty bombs to nuclear reactor accidents
(like Fukushima), the threat exists...even if statistics count the likelihood
extremely low.

But the problem is, it only takes one drastic event to cause overwhelm-
ing, life-threatening havoc. And with natural disasters coming one after the
other—fires blazing across the Midwest, earthquakes striking the Mid-Atlantic
states, tsunamis, tornadoes—can any nuclear plant be guaranteed safe?

And even without a major radiation event, you could be exposed to much
more radiation than you realize—every single day. I’ll share some shocking
hidden culprits of dangerous exposure in just a minute.

But there is a way to protect yourself, every day, and even help you get rid
of toxins that have already crept into your organs and bloodstream...without
damaging side effects, and without emptying your bank account.

One single, safe, natural substance can help you “get clean” and stay there,
protecting your thyroid and your whole body from the hazards of radiation,
heavy metals, free radicals, and destructive toxins.

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