Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • 69

How much radiation is too much?

It’s hard to know who to listen to. People throw around a lot of different num-
bers when it comes to radiation exposure, but no one can really define a “safe” level.

Exposure is measured in units called millirems (mrem). According to the
EPA, the average American is exposed to a 620 mrem radiation dose every
year. About half of that comes from natural sources (like cosmic radiation
from space), but the rest comes mostly from medical tests and procedures.

To put this all in some perspective, let’s look at some real life numbers:

  • 5,000 mrem = maximum permitted annual occupational exposure

  • 500 mrem = typical annual dose for a hospital radiologist

  • 2,000 mrem from a single cardiac CT scan

  • 1,400 mrem from a single GI (gastrointestinal) series test

  • 1,000 from one full-body CT scan

  • 30-50 mrem from one mammogram

  • 0.5 mrem from each hour spent traveling in a plane (so a single 6-hour
    flight would add 3 mrem)

  • radiation ‘therapy’ for cancer patients measures in the millions of mrems
    All that ‘normal’ radiation exposure can add up to more than the Ameri-
    can average pretty fast.

And that doesn’t even begin to cover heavy metal thank
goodness there’s a safe, natural way to protect yourself.

How you can protect yourself from radiation

When it comes to radiation exposure, your thyroid is the key player. That’s
because radiation events throw off radioactive iodine (iodine-129 and iodine-131).

The problem is, your thyroid can’t tell the difference between healthy,
essential iodine and radioactive iodine—it just wants iodine. So if your body
isn’t getting enough of the good stuff, your thyroid will grab at the bad kind
to meet its needs.

Now that doesn’t mean you should overdose on iodine—that can be
harmful, too. But making sure your thyroid is getting all the good, clean,
healthy iodine it needs can help protect your whole body from the effects of
radiation exposure. And in just a moment, you’ll learn about the best source
of iodine to nourish and shield your thyroid.

But first, a quick look at the toxic heavy metals that may have infiltrated
your organs.

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