Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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70 • Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine

Toxic heavy metals accumulate

in your blood and organs

Toxic heavy metals can do massive damage to your body, accumulating
in your organs, blood, and fat cells. Some of the worst include mercury and
radioactive strontium—and it’s extremely difficult to detox these heavy metals
safely. Except when you use nature’s answer to toxic metals.

Mercury is the most toxic non-radioactive heavy metal. Excessive levels can
cause an extremely long list of health hazards, some fatal. And people with mer-
cury fillings (also called amalgams) can’t avoid some exposure because it leaches
out over time. In fact, depending on how many mercury fillings you have, you
could be exposed to as much as 100 mcg of mercury every single day.

Strontium-90 (radioactive strontium), which can come from nuclear
fallout, concentrates in your bones and bone marrow, displacing the calcium
that’s supposed to be there. This toxic heavy metal can linger in your body,
causing unbelievable damage.

And thanks to corporate carelessness, the ground, water, and air around
you can contain other toxic metals: barium, lead, arsenic, aluminum, and
more, any of which can cause long-term health hazards and illnesses. While
chemical chelators and detox drugs can help your body get rid of these, their
help comes at quite a price (your health and your wallet).

But there is one natural way to combat heavy metals and radiation, and
even improve your overall health, without damaging side effects (or a dwin-
dling bank balance).

This natural extract saved Chernobyl plant workers

  1. Chernobyl. The worst nuclear disaster of our time.
    Thousands of people were exposed to radiation, and the Russian govern-
    ment knew just where to turn.

You see, back in the 1960s, a special detoxifying extract was created, and
made in very small quantities. By the early 1980s, it was being used to keep
the men working with high and low frequency radiation healthy.

Flash to 1986, when disaster struck. And the Russian government made
three tons of this naturally healing extract—the first and last time it was
mass-produced there. It was primarily given to the thousands of people work-
ing to rebuild and repair the Chernobyl plant damage, keeping them safe from
radiation exposure.

And, now, you have access to this powerful extract, to help protect you from
existing and potential radiation exposure...and toxic heavy metals to boot.

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