Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • 71

Powerful extract safely cleanses

your body of toxins

If you want to protect yourself against radiation poisoning and toxic metal
contamination, there’s a single, natural extract that can handle it all. But that’s
not all it can do. Along with detoxification, you’ll notice a lot of health benefits.

The first thing people notice when they start taking this supplement is very
positive changes to their skin, hair, and nails. Skin becomes moister and more
supple. Hair and nails grow longer and stronger. And speaking of changes you
can see, dry eyes will become a problem of the past.

Next on the noticeable changes list comes increased energy, closely fol-
lowed by improved bathroom regularity.

And then come long-term protections. Your thyroid—one of the most
important glands in your body—will be nourished and protected. Your body
will be able to easily and safely rid itself of many toxins, including heavy metals
and radiation. Along the way, your body will get extra protection against cancer.

All of that protection in a single safe natural extract.

The slimy brown source of unmatched protection

This unrivaled source of protection against toxins comes directly from the
ocean, the richest source of healthful minerals on earth.

This unique seaweed contains an abundance of natural iodine, the kind
you want to feed your body, along with more than 70 other essential nutrients
all working synergistically together. It’s called laminaria, and there’s no other
seaweed like it.

But there’s a problem: Seaweed isn’t intended for human consumption.
We simply can’t digest it properly so eating seaweed straight (and you’d need
to eat a lot!) won’t supply the iodine and minerals you need.

It takes about 40 pounds of raw seaweed to create just 1 pound of that
extract. And to make sure you get the full complement of 72 essential nutrients
naturally found in laminaria, the extract has to be prepared in a very special way.

Getting the nutrients out of the

laminaria and into you

There’s a trick to coaxing the nutrients out of seaweed without doing them
any damage, and that’s what the manufacturers of this laminaria extract do.

Now I can’t give away their secrets, but I can tell you this: Basically, they
very quickly extract all the nutrients from the seaweed without using heat or

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